Mughal said he spends his weekends working to pay for college — after a week of 12-hour days studying electrical engineering. Even though the 21-year-old gets a discount because his father is a member of the faculty, the cost of tuition plus fees, books and living expenses is crushing.
“By no means am I the saddest story on campus. There's a lot of people here just as bad and probably worse,” he said. “The people making the prices are not actually aware of how hard it is on the students.”
He's hoping to send a message with the cash, which he collected from several banks, and that more students join him next year.
So before I go off on Luq with a q for being a total jerk off, let me say from someone being crippled by student loans, anything to make a college realize how shitty they are for legally stealing from kids I'll get behind. My school was $48,000 A YEAR my senior year. I just shit my pants and screamed at the same time rereading that statement. Greatest time of my life, still shouldn't cause almost 50 g's. GAH.
Alright Luq....Luke? Luck? Go pound sand you intolerable dick. Your father works for U Utah. You're protesting something you're receiving for 80% off. You know who else does that? Assholes, thats who. You're paying 20% of a state school tuition. So I'm assuming all said and done college costs you like AT MOST 8 grand a year. God I hate you you weird-name spelling turd. I hope the lady at the bursar throws a brick at your head.
Speaking of which if you're that fat, miserable middle aged woman working at the bursar (Pretty sure thats the 4 requirements to get hired at a university bursar.) Do you just straight up quit when you realize you have to count this shit out? The next 3 hours of your life are going to be spent counting out dollar bill after dollar bill because Don in maintenance's son had to be such little dick and pay for school this way. You either quit on the spot or somehow make sure Don's check gets lost in the mail the next few weeks.
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